Grades K-3
Objective: The Pikeville Medical Center Workforce Development team along with “Buddy Bear,” the lovable mascot of the Mettu Children’s Hospital at PMC, will visit local elementary schools with the goal of sparking an interest in healthcare careers at a young age. These visits will be the youngest students the PMC team will visit at the schools PMC collaborates with.
Stakeholders: Pike County School District and Pikeville Independent School District students from kindergarten through third grade, teachers, administrators and Pikeville Medical Center employees.
Scope of Plan:
- Buddy Bear will visit various elementary schools
- Students will be given medical career explorer coloring books (provided by PMC)
Timeline: The events will be scheduled by the PMC Workforce Development team on Fridays during March 2024. Schools will be contacted individually.
Projected Outcomes: The “When I Grow Up” initiative is expected to achieve the outcomes listed below.
- An early awareness and relationship will be established and fostered between PMC and our local school systems.
- Local K-3 students will be introduced to Pikeville Medical Center at an early age.